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Steps to setup git repo

Setup git repo environment:

  1. Setup user details

     git config --global "Your name here"
     git config --global ""
  2. Generate SSH key(skip to next step to reuse existing ssh key)

    a) For Mac . (Read more about SSH keys)

     ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""    b)  Copy SSH key
     pbcopy < ~/.ssh/ For Windows,

    a) Either use putty.exe or open git bash and type

       ssh-keygen -t rsa

    then look under your_home_directory/.ssh/ path and open file then copy(excluding spaces) the content(SSH key)

  3. Add SSH key to account

    a) Go to

    b) Open SSH key section or use

    c) Paste your key and save it github-ssh

Setup local repo for new project:

  1. Setup new repository

    git init
  2. Create .gitignore file(for new repo) and add content from .gitignore android file, Optionally can create and add for project documentation

  3. Add file(s) to staging using (use git status to view the staged/unstaged changes)

     git add path/filename or add all files using
     git add .
  4. Commit the previously staged changes

     git commit -m "init repo message"
  5. Push changes to the remote repo

    a) Create a new project under github/gitlab/bitbucket account, etc and copy the SSH-link

     git remote add origin

    b) Pull auto-generated license or README file

    Caution: use --allow-unrelated-histories only once for new repo to pull the license, README files.

     git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories

    c) Push code

     git push origin master

Setup local repo using clone:

  1. Clone existing project from github using

     	git clone SSH-link.git ![ssh_link](
  2. Add file(s) to staging using

     git add path/filename or add all files using
     git add .
  3. Commit the previously staged changes

     git commit -m "init repo message"
  4. Push changes to the remote repo

    a) Verify the exiting remote repo link:

     git remote -v

    In case of no remote URL, add one using

     git remote add origin

    b) Push code to master branch

     git push origin master

    Note: To reset an existing remote URL use git remote set-url origin repo-link.

Pull Sub-module

For large repositories with submodules, it’s recommended to update them recursively as:

git submodule update --init --recursive